Give At to
O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me, thou knowest
mine downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off.
Thou compasseth my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my
ways, for there is not a word in my tongue O Lord, but thou knowest it all
together. Thou hast beset me behind and
before and laid thine hands upon me. if I ascend into heaven thou art
there, If I make my bed in hell behold thou art there, if I take the wings of
the morning and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there will thy
hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold, if I say surely the darkness shall
cover me, the light shall be about me, yeah darkness hideth not from thee, but darkness
and light are both alike unto thee. See Psalm 139,
Prophecy Link
-Seen to
seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like
rock when a voice declare: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The
Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of
emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the
map, Dan. 2:3-49 02/14/2015
To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many
alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!”
Threat to OKC Senator Silk
commenting here because I want to share how I was in a region of heaven a few
weeks ago, those who’ve read behind this end time Apostle know, there is
nothing truly this oddity about this.
Just remember where Jesus explained to the disciples, how they’d not
chosen Him, but He them, that because of this truth they would be used in a way
most particular, even dying horribly for their faith of the Gospel Truth, Jesus
Is Lord. I’d just been in dreams regarding the anti-Christ rise and reign on
the earth, how all mankind was being overcome by him, then as though such
things were fast forwarded, and I was in a region of heaven.
Now as
I’ve pointed out, there cannot be an anti-Christ reign until the resurrection
of the Righteous Dead is fulfilled which will at this extraordinary event remove the now
existing church bride, blood washed from the planet unto the future Tribulation
Saints. I was in a place in heaven, I
was sitting, an elbow to my knee, hand to my chin as one bored and I was
playing with this rock which surface was that of a meteor. Back and forward I
rolled it when just as suddenly I let it go, fall, descend prophetically toward
the earth that when I did I heard a voice say and I quote, “this is the anti-Christ
murderer,” and the dream, vision passed from me.
If you
don’t know the word or prophecies of God, then you have no ideal of the
significance of this rock, this stone from heaven and that the bride was in the
position she was in. You have to go back to the prophet Daniel, 4th chapter, he and all
spiritual persons, holy and pagan are being threaten to be put to death
horribly if they cannot reveal and thus interpret a certain dream of the King
of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Of course the prophet Daniel, assisted by Holy
Spirits is the only one who can reveal the dream as though he dreamed it
himself and can as well interpret it, as though He is God himself. The dream in
urgent question details the awful doom not only of Nebuchadnezzar's Kingdom, but all
future kingdoms and nation building to come. Even that like mankind is given over to
a curse of death, judgment and hell, this satanic to demonic to political manner of falling into the hands of nation
building and turf wars is only a more elaborate rendition of this jinx of
death and judgment.
Just as
so, it is a prophecy in which will see to their doom by a stone seen
mysteriously cut out without hands falling from heaven that’s to crush all
nation building into oblivion along a divine reign without end instead by this
mysterious unman stone, (See Jesus’ Millennium Reign). I can see Jesus standing atop Mount Zion crying aloud, sparing not to all great and small, bond and free, male and female, repent ye, the Ancient of Days reign. As so placing the position and
enactment of this stone’s arrival in the hands of the bride is one more proof
of heaven’s throne placing her in paradise doing these greatest of the earth’s
trials. That she by Christ’s Cross is found worthy of her faithfulness right at
present to escape, a promise crying aloud only days ago, even while those 21
Egyptian males were being martyred for their faith of Christ Jesus, did said message descry, Jesus is coming, Jesus
is on His Way!
It’s actually what I looked in a dream
years passed and witnessed happen to the White House of America after nation
building had been completely abolished. That something phenomenally divine
completely consumed it, a spirituous invasion that will be realized in America, regarding
the entire free world by Oct. 2017. The
intrepid dream time table, America’s form of hand writing on the wall, where it
will like an Ancient Babylon see King Belshazzar Dan. 5th chapter, fall into the hands of present-day Medes and
Persians. Thus if you’re an American,
and you’re not planning for this beyond cataclysmic event any day now, you know
especially being soul ready, (personally see Jesus Christ). Your flesh doom
from birth you must be born again, again Christ’s Cross, blood alone washes
away all sin, that you may stand Holy and blameless before the throne of God,
With all specialarity this
prophetic dream is to remind us that with every second which tick off the clock
the fulfillment of all end time prophecy is being realized. That as an
appearing Angel Gabriel forewarn 2004, we are that generation proposed unto the sounding of the seventh angel whether you allow
yourself to believe it or experience it or not. That as assuredly as Noah’s
flood came just as a sorrowful God promised, coming, pending, nearing are such
the like earth altering catastrophes like a Yellowstone Eruption, A Super EMP’s, Asteroid
2015 and this pending nuclear war, WWIII/ Armageddon. Honestly it is the end of all things as we know it, but only that the world and mankind Elohim hath made abide anew unto infinite glory, AWAKE! That you be aware, that you be born
again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck
Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, JCON, Apb, the RAM…
For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord
is ascended from the earth, Eze. 8:12
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