Sunday, February 8, 2015

Many Shall Come!

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 Je suis Jesus Christ, "For give us O God, against thee, thee only Father have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight, we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us, “ see Psalm 51,

Many Shall Come To Me In That Day Crying Lord, Lord!                                                          02/08/2015

     -Mega Churches, are what Jesus described as Satan's Seat over two thousand years ago, and just recently were there dreams of Demons regularly moving into their corrupt assembly. Then, even more recently, a vicious beast I believe representing the end time great falling away (see million man marches), stomping and chomping its way from the pulpit to the pews. This is most concerning for proceeding Obama administration was the appearance of two just as venomous beasts, one from land and the other by sea. All unto a debate of Hussein filling stations in the land and nothing again was ever the same, and now an additional alike monster appearing at the inevitability, the finality of said administration.

     -This is why Jesus now on High, first order of business was the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor, five of which were already descending into apostasy. My daughter in law cousin and my eldest son both laughed recently when I said, people go to church so they don’t have to serve Jesus on His terms of self-sacrifice. The sacrifice of the wicked, King Solomon described it, which he further described as being an abomination to God. They won’t give God what He want, so they settle for what they can afford to give Him, convinced that as long as they stay faithful to insignificant assembly God will settle as well. Heartbreakingly with Gods proposed settlement crying aloud to the otherwise rebellious masses, I never you, you that worked iniquity.

     -The Death Rider of 1996, being unleased by the very earth opening to Him, was to target great Apostasy in the lives, lands and churches of the people, (see turf wars).  This bringer of mayhem, death and judgment (Hell’s Fire) is proof continually that God is not mocked (deceived by false assembly), whatsoever a man sow, that shall he reap. Again and Again and Again, this is why God wept, do you know how serious this accusation? Even that this same Jesus is pictured doing one of the seven letters knocking on the door of vast assembly, seeking an entry place, preferably the heart.

     -You must realize this same Heavenly Throne I witnessed by a horrid silence in heaven weeping, was the one thousands of years ago admonishing a weeping Apostle John to weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed.  I’d seen God’s Throne with its back to the churches, that only upon repentance would He again visit to mend the hearts of men, for God hath made Him (Jesus), to be sin, who knew no sin, that we, mankind should be made the righteousness of God, through Him. Though with God now instead weeping is to portray, though it can’t prevail, will never, ever prevail, what we’re seeing here is the tremendous depth of the infiltration of Satanic to Demonic penetration regarding Jesus’s heel. Assuredly a great scarcity of all things regarding mankind’s treasures, especially their temporal lives, doeth much more abound. Awake, Apb, The RAM

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