Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I've Been To The Top Of Mount Olivet

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 Je suis Jesus Christ, blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord, GOH, voice of the martyrs,


     Forgive us O God, according to thy loving kindness, according to the multitudes of thy tender mercy, wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and clean us from sin, see Psalms 51, also see

 I Had A Dream, I’ve been To The Top of Mount Olivet, Jesus, The Bride, Michael and The Armies Of Heaven were all there                                                                                     02/04/2015

      -Around this time yesterday morning because of a dream I'd had moments earlier I was researching the rail on google. The search I was doing was more along the middle east, the Israeli border but it was around and about the rail no less, especially those underground.  The dream was fragmented with one of it's characters being a young person, female who had their own personal bomb, it was kept in a silver case like a keepsake, a jewel, this routine thing and was lost to an underground rail station when it closed abruptly leaving passengers stranded.
     -One of the characters were agitated that just a day prior for safety purposes they'd been evacuated into Israel but had just as soon return home. I remember being concern about the bomb in the small silver case that was lost, wondering if anyone was hurt or killed whether or not I would be implicated. It wasn't long before I was standing before a crowd speaking to them about what causes spasm in the throat, then just as soon sitting to talk to an Asian sidewalk saleswoman, holding both a white small garbage bag and several large black ones, of which had been hand off to me, telling her if the person didn't return for the items she was welcome to sale them, then just as soon I and another relation found ourselves abandon, like at crossroads both knowing and not comprehending, like I said, fragmented.
     -As the Major said, seven people who won't be going home, that’s sixteen from an Asian flight that reportedly crashed as well.  This is why people say have fun while you can, make sure you daft that bucket list and realize it to the fullest, when Jesus admonish the man born sin everywhere to repent! That though we walk through the valley of death (see Kristina Houston), what evil truly shall we fear? If we make our bed in hell, Holy Spirits visit there, if we ascend into heaven  Holy Spirits reign there, if we take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there will His Hand lead us, and HIs right hand shall hold us.
     -I was being reminded just the other day how clever the curse of death and how relentless that there isn't anything on this planet and beyond, beneath it won't use to claim a persons life, given every opportunity. I was on my knees late yesterday evening making intercessory prayers for people who’re yet to trust Jesus not only with assembly which perisheth but their uttermost obedience, heart unto immortal life, it is the only sacrifice of the wicked God will accept. People don't just die and this is the greatest concern for Holy Spirits, that the mass majority of those who're solely claimed will open up their eyes in hell having never open their hearts to the gospel truth.  That's' allowing themselves to be transformed into a type of the Holiness of the Lord God, Jesus Christ in all likeness, be warn, sin will not inherit God's Throne, Awake! Beware! Repent, great is thy reward in heaven, Apb, the RAM,

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