Jeremiah 37:8, 1998
Reaping Corruption Sown
-Surely wicked western leaders were at it again, first Saddam, unto a Hussein Whitehouse, then Col. Gaddafi now stranding millions of Islamic migrants, all having in their scope Syria's Assad, unto holocaust after holocaust. As well remember, by Daniel's prophecies for thousands of years the antichrist is predicted to rise out of Syria, I know many in ways we thought this time hath come. Though now with the Angel Gabriel confirming the same 2004, declaring the end of all things as we're to suspect, there is then no doubt, the seventh angel will soon sound right unto the end of the kingdom of man, Awake! Apb, The RAM, see here, www.ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com www.theseventhangel15.blogspot.com